Transfer-Restricted Demo Asset
Amount In Circulation
Activity | User ID | Amount |
Initial issuance (unconfidential and reissuable) | Asset Issuer | 21000000 |
Distribution to investor 89 | 89 | 1000000 |
Change from distribution transaction | Asset Issuer | 20000000 |
Transfer to investor 91 wallet GA2j93Ee768F6DsqAco9MRZP7M1c3t | 91 | 5 |
Transfer to investor 89 wallet GA3XZFix8C75pi1TCEBTa2tABzYKta | 89 | 999995 |
Transfer to investor 91 wallet GA2j93Ee768F6DsqAco9MRZP7M1c3t | 91 | 5 |
Transfer to investor 89 wallet GA3XZFix8C75pi1TCEBTa2tABzYKta | 89 | 999990 |
Transfer to investor 96 wallet GA4VpxJw64KsT4EGetjbReUsFj3Zq1 | 96 | 5 |
Transfer to investor 89 wallet GA3XZFix8C75pi1TCEBTa2tABzYKta | 89 | 999985 |
Transfer to investor 98 wallet GA24B4cAw6Jm6JwqT3rERsNWpBkpzu | 98 | 5 |
Transfer to investor 89 wallet GA3XZFix8C75pi1TCEBTa2tABzYKta | 89 | 999980 |
Transfer to investor 99 wallet GAcYw2jiivaJVBsnvr9AeMXEy82XL | 99 | 5 |
Transfer to investor 89 wallet GA3XZFix8C75pi1TCEBTa2tABzYKta | 89 | 999975 |
Transfer to investor 100 wallet GA24mv8eBaQ3voiZwZiHMYZ9CsGDt3 | 100 | 5 |
Transfer to investor 89 wallet GA3XZFix8C75pi1TCEBTa2tABzYKta | 89 | 999970 |
Transfer to investor 101 wallet GA2tS5Gt1oEe7pP2CSGqEkoJvKf2K8 | 101 | 5 |
Transfer to investor 89 wallet GA3XZFix8C75pi1TCEBTa2tABzYKta | 89 | 999965 |
Transfer to investor 100 wallet GA24mv8eBaQ3voiZwZiHMYZ9CsGDt3 | 100 | 1 |
Transfer to investor 101 wallet GA2tS5Gt1oEe7pP2CSGqEkoJvKf2K8 | 101 | 4 |
Transfer to investor 104 wallet GA4Gek6dLLhuNb7JF1EQkpLQK4us5E | 104 | 5 |
Transfer to investor 89 wallet GA3XZFix8C75pi1TCEBTa2tABzYKta | 89 | 999960 |
Transfer to investor 105 wallet GA23LXaEF93rcwL41of1vkk9jMDZ4h | 105 | 5 |
Transfer to investor 89 wallet GA3XZFix8C75pi1TCEBTa2tABzYKta | 89 | 999955 |
Transfer to investor 106 wallet GAXBavQUhnCuPm32P1NTYDzFVs5WT | 106 | 5 |
Transfer to investor 89 wallet GA3XZFix8C75pi1TCEBTa2tABzYKta | 89 | 999950 |
Transfer to investor 107 wallet GA3cAVG8mAADDLeB3epa5ZaJEcSSey | 107 | 5 |
Transfer to investor 89 wallet GA3XZFix8C75pi1TCEBTa2tABzYKta | 89 | 999945 |
Transfer to investor 117 wallet GAi5HP4N3T8ae17Kb62wxhTxQZgur | 117 | 5 |
Transfer to investor 89 wallet GA3XZFix8C75pi1TCEBTa2tABzYKta | 89 | 999940 |
Transfer to investor 129 wallet GA4LWPPA5d2AkvcaJtC7usZHrLhfRB | 129 | 5 |
Transfer to investor 89 wallet GA3XZFix8C75pi1TCEBTa2tABzYKta | 89 | 999935 |
Transfer to investor 138 wallet GA2Fsb5DvksiEP5Bv66uyoomU24pvn | 138 | 5 |
Transfer to investor 89 wallet GA3XZFix8C75pi1TCEBTa2tABzYKta | 89 | 999930 |
Transfer to investor 139 wallet GA2Sr9JMmon4feHKk1uDKjuLugtNaf | 139 | 5 |
Transfer to investor 89 wallet GA3XZFix8C75pi1TCEBTa2tABzYKta | 89 | 999925 |
Transfer to investor 140 wallet GAtr12ACVcLKwTpHHk3szM4FiES7i | 140 | 5 |
Transfer to investor 89 wallet GA3XZFix8C75pi1TCEBTa2tABzYKta | 89 | 999920 |
Transfer to investor 198 wallet GA42yntE8z7mEnK5XkktieyGi4HbZf | 198 | 5 |
Transfer to investor 89 wallet GA3XZFix8C75pi1TCEBTa2tABzYKta | 89 | 999915 |
Transfer to investor 199 wallet GA329c1H6aX2GQpVTy63MrpMj6zwy | 199 | 5 |
Transfer to investor 89 wallet GA3XZFix8C75pi1TCEBTa2tABzYKta | 89 | 999910 |
Transfer to investor 200 wallet GA3cn55FLWmnneNi7BsuUNF6TifS6C | 200 | 5 |
Transfer to investor 89 wallet GA3XZFix8C75pi1TCEBTa2tABzYKta | 89 | 999905 |
Transfer to investor 201 wallet GA2DJiEkGLCfCWd1eN1bjzkYKVaPNe | 201 | 5 |
Transfer to investor 89 wallet GA3XZFix8C75pi1TCEBTa2tABzYKta | 89 | 999900 |
Transfer to investor 146 wallet GATxsV8HATohXHdPTzVQH9t7HzrYE | 146 | 5 |
Transfer to investor 89 wallet GA3XZFix8C75pi1TCEBTa2tABzYKta | 89 | 999895 |
Transfer to investor 203 wallet GA2oxp4Yt7sheQaaSmDtjs61XW1S6k | 203 | 5 |
Transfer to investor 89 wallet GA3XZFix8C75pi1TCEBTa2tABzYKta | 89 | 999890 |
Transfer to investor 204 wallet GA45cAzfUYpAmzUtagFFAg1BurtC7m | 204 | 1 |
Transfer to investor 204 wallet GA45cAzfUYpAmzUtagFFAg1BurtC7m | 204 | 2 |
Transfer to investor 203 wallet GA2oxp4Yt7sheQaaSmDtjs61XW1S6k | 203 | 2 |
Transfer to investor 210 wallet GA2nbvvbayNahDUB7MBpam5jCnfETJ | 210 | 5 |
Transfer to investor 89 wallet GA3XZFix8C75pi1TCEBTa2tABzYKta | 89 | 999885 |
Transfer to investor 212 wallet GA2zTJSBurv7dTzX5bg9LfXg1G2UZp | 212 | 5 |
Transfer to investor 89 wallet GA3XZFix8C75pi1TCEBTa2tABzYKta | 89 | 999880 |
Transfer to investor 214 wallet GA2ymvdsFLExgtZHKuxt3pWCm9TSBf | 214 | 5 |
Transfer to investor 89 wallet GA3XZFix8C75pi1TCEBTa2tABzYKta | 89 | 999875 |
Transfer to investor 215 wallet GA2K3Ga9dipBzNhquaLj8Jq77Y2htC | 215 | 5 |
Transfer to investor 89 wallet GA3XZFix8C75pi1TCEBTa2tABzYKta | 89 | 999870 |
Transfer to investor 203 wallet GA2oxp4Yt7sheQaaSmDtjs61XW1S6k | 203 | 5 |
Transfer to investor 89 wallet GA3XZFix8C75pi1TCEBTa2tABzYKta | 89 | 999865 |
Transfer to investor 204 wallet GA45cAzfUYpAmzUtagFFAg1BurtC7m | 204 | 1 |
Transfer to investor 204 wallet GA45cAzfUYpAmzUtagFFAg1BurtC7m | 204 | 2 |
Transfer to investor 203 wallet GA2oxp4Yt7sheQaaSmDtjs61XW1S6k | 203 | 4 |
Transfer to investor 216 wallet GA3pGXxdsEkxm42HWw5dLFepFWiRGW | 216 | 5 |
Transfer to investor 89 wallet GA3XZFix8C75pi1TCEBTa2tABzYKta | 89 | 999860 |
Transfer to investor 217 wallet GAGQZM59LbS9RyS8ZrmzHHV6uTf9X | 217 | 5 |
Transfer to investor 89 wallet GA3XZFix8C75pi1TCEBTa2tABzYKta | 89 | 999855 |
Transfer to investor 219 wallet GA38rh3GtGASYREnsE2GGTL6zD4mch | 219 | 5 |
Transfer to investor 89 wallet GA3XZFix8C75pi1TCEBTa2tABzYKta | 89 | 999850 |
Transfer to investor 220 wallet GA3ifje8pShroPzgxg2YReBkXRVVby | 220 | 5 |
Transfer to investor 89 wallet GA3XZFix8C75pi1TCEBTa2tABzYKta | 89 | 999845 |
Transfer to investor 221 wallet GA3dLWHYsFZjmq9NXtc3hDNZwGoDZE | 221 | 5 |
Transfer to investor 89 wallet GA3XZFix8C75pi1TCEBTa2tABzYKta | 89 | 999840 |
Transfer to investor 210 wallet GA2nbvvbayNahDUB7MBpam5jCnfETJ | 210 | 5 |
Transfer to investor 227 wallet GA3gYaKg3pKYNKix8i3UzP7LmR7mmT | 227 | 5 |
Transfer to investor 89 wallet GA3XZFix8C75pi1TCEBTa2tABzYKta | 89 | 999835 |
Transfer to investor 228 wallet GA26Tts9qTZ4MaMehic9b6mbHuvTmJ | 228 | 5 |
Transfer to investor 89 wallet GA3XZFix8C75pi1TCEBTa2tABzYKta | 89 | 999830 |
Transfer to investor 229 wallet GA3QzDySHgTQ4FFFsrjMxydpfvkdSx | 229 | 5 |
Transfer to investor 89 wallet GA3XZFix8C75pi1TCEBTa2tABzYKta | 89 | 999825 |
Transfer to investor 230 wallet GA2nGiPwy4V4rL5ccd6gYCivaxLvgY | 230 | 5 |
Transfer to investor 89 wallet GA3XZFix8C75pi1TCEBTa2tABzYKta | 89 | 999820 |
Transfer to investor 231 wallet GA2k4avehuqMsHXMaKWY2woYDhvnxe | 231 | 1 |
Transfer to investor 230 wallet GA2nGiPwy4V4rL5ccd6gYCivaxLvgY | 230 | 4 |
Transfer to investor 232 wallet GA3V3cr4rusAM2VwNAWDKGxG2V8JBC | 232 | 5 |
Transfer to investor 89 wallet GA3XZFix8C75pi1TCEBTa2tABzYKta | 89 | 999815 |
Transfer to investor 230 wallet GA2nGiPwy4V4rL5ccd6gYCivaxLvgY | 230 | 1 |
Transfer to investor 232 wallet GA3V3cr4rusAM2VwNAWDKGxG2V8JBC | 232 | 4 |
Transfer to investor 234 wallet GA4YprGB8fFyn31PHJUZeDWFCZpHW1 | 234 | 5 |
Transfer to investor 89 wallet GA3XZFix8C75pi1TCEBTa2tABzYKta | 89 | 999810 |
Transfer to investor 235 wallet GA9cKH71BkfHbDUHedtToqWjmpWwK | 235 | 1 |
Transfer to investor 234 wallet GA4YprGB8fFyn31PHJUZeDWFCZpHW1 | 234 | 4 |
Transfer to investor 233 wallet GAPEhVRtjRzbSXbHXY1vAefn8p6AK | 233 | 1 |
Transfer to investor 230 wallet GA2nGiPwy4V4rL5ccd6gYCivaxLvgY | 230 | 3 |
Transfer to investor 236 wallet GA21ibv87NBMimjkQccH7UjSP91Hf1 | 236 | 5 |
Transfer to investor 89 wallet GA3XZFix8C75pi1TCEBTa2tABzYKta | 89 | 999805 |
Transfer to investor 237 wallet GA3Z8zBJCv2uXLuRy2hhPKbKi5Jwst | 237 | 5 |
Transfer to investor 89 wallet GA3XZFix8C75pi1TCEBTa2tABzYKta | 89 | 999800 |
Transfer to investor 236 wallet GA21ibv87NBMimjkQccH7UjSP91Hf1 | 236 | 1 |
Transfer to investor 237 wallet GA3Z8zBJCv2uXLuRy2hhPKbKi5Jwst | 237 | 4 |
Transfer to investor 236 wallet GA21ibv87NBMimjkQccH7UjSP91Hf1 | 236 | 1 |
Transfer to investor 237 wallet GA3Z8zBJCv2uXLuRy2hhPKbKi5Jwst | 237 | 3 |
Transfer to investor 233 wallet GAPEhVRtjRzbSXbHXY1vAefn8p6AK | 233 | 2 |
Transfer to investor 230 wallet GA2nGiPwy4V4rL5ccd6gYCivaxLvgY | 230 | 2 |
Transfer to investor 238 wallet GA4DhfwjESLkgrhMGBzgjUErjLNFU3 | 238 | 5 |
Transfer to investor 89 wallet GA3XZFix8C75pi1TCEBTa2tABzYKta | 89 | 999795 |
Transfer to investor 230 wallet GA2nGiPwy4V4rL5ccd6gYCivaxLvgY | 230 | 5 |
Transfer to investor 89 wallet GA3XZFix8C75pi1TCEBTa2tABzYKta | 89 | 999790 |
Transfer to investor 235 wallet GA9cKH71BkfHbDUHedtToqWjmpWwK | 235 | 1 |
Transfer to investor 234 wallet GA4YprGB8fFyn31PHJUZeDWFCZpHW1 | 234 | 3 |
Transfer to investor 240 wallet GA4HusVAGrT4wwzJGZDh3Wup6c7VKx | 240 | 5 |
Transfer to investor 89 wallet GA3XZFix8C75pi1TCEBTa2tABzYKta | 89 | 999785 |
Transfer to investor 241 wallet GA2gUn9NzZYSVfeH8K2YPTdRVcMQUs | 241 | 5 |
Transfer to investor 89 wallet GA3XZFix8C75pi1TCEBTa2tABzYKta | 89 | 999780 |
Transfer to investor 242 wallet GA4VPA2jPsiimGypL7FiXyyTEnP66v | 242 | 1 |
Transfer to investor 241 wallet GA2gUn9NzZYSVfeH8K2YPTdRVcMQUs | 241 | 4 |
Transfer to investor 244 wallet GAMkFVN2K8HeEdah9qSHNxUeyaouK | 244 | 5 |
Transfer to investor 89 wallet GA3XZFix8C75pi1TCEBTa2tABzYKta | 89 | 999775 |
Transfer to investor 242 wallet GA4VPA2jPsiimGypL7FiXyyTEnP66v | 242 | 1 |
Transfer to investor 241 wallet GA2gUn9NzZYSVfeH8K2YPTdRVcMQUs | 241 | 3 |
Transfer to investor 242 wallet GA4VPA2jPsiimGypL7FiXyyTEnP66v | 242 | 1 |
Transfer to investor 241 wallet GA2gUn9NzZYSVfeH8K2YPTdRVcMQUs | 241 | 2 |
Transfer to investor 242 wallet GA4VPA2jPsiimGypL7FiXyyTEnP66v | 242 | 1 |
Transfer to investor 241 wallet GA2gUn9NzZYSVfeH8K2YPTdRVcMQUs | 241 | 1 |
Transfer to investor 242 wallet GA4VPA2jPsiimGypL7FiXyyTEnP66v | 242 | 1 |
Transfer to investor 241 wallet GA2gUn9NzZYSVfeH8K2YPTdRVcMQUs | 241 | 2 |
Transfer to investor 247 wallet GA2xbJho9LgWbBArcpcMwhndLQmWh7 | 247 | 5 |
Transfer to investor 89 wallet GA3XZFix8C75pi1TCEBTa2tABzYKta | 89 | 999770 |
Transfer to investor 241 wallet GA2gUn9NzZYSVfeH8K2YPTdRVcMQUs | 241 | 1 |
Transfer to investor 241 wallet GA2gUn9NzZYSVfeH8K2YPTdRVcMQUs | 241 | 1 |
Transfer to investor 241 wallet GA2gUn9NzZYSVfeH8K2YPTdRVcMQUs | 241 | 1 |
Transfer to investor 251 wallet GA2pjeqNjRPzpsomjuZb6hy4Le4sJi | 251 | 5 |
Transfer to investor 89 wallet GA3XZFix8C75pi1TCEBTa2tABzYKta | 89 | 999765 |
Transfer to investor 252 wallet GAu2FwXopG5WUahaXsF7nrRX4EU7F | 252 | 5 |
Transfer to investor 89 wallet GA3XZFix8C75pi1TCEBTa2tABzYKta | 89 | 999760 |
Transfer to investor 242 wallet GA4VPA2jPsiimGypL7FiXyyTEnP66v | 242 | 1 |
Transfer to investor 241 wallet GA2gUn9NzZYSVfeH8K2YPTdRVcMQUs | 241 | 1 |
Transfer to investor 253 wallet GA42QvxBiuftBn8GZcaf31GFNdfmxc | 253 | 5 |
Transfer to investor 89 wallet GA3XZFix8C75pi1TCEBTa2tABzYKta | 89 | 999755 |
Transfer to investor 256 wallet GA2ijWoCvKgDEbYPBhzDGx5Wizpkmk | 256 | 5 |
Transfer to investor 89 wallet GA3XZFix8C75pi1TCEBTa2tABzYKta | 89 | 999750 |
Transfer to investor 259 wallet GA4La868qru9gBNA9s2W7e5baYnkj2 | 259 | 1 |
Transfer to investor 241 wallet GA2gUn9NzZYSVfeH8K2YPTdRVcMQUs | 241 | 1 |
Transfer to investor 242 wallet GA4VPA2jPsiimGypL7FiXyyTEnP66v | 242 | 2 |
Transfer to investor 260 wallet GA2kRqgUcMz96CzcaiA1BhfSPjDsyT | 260 | 3 |
Transfer to investor 198 wallet GA42yntE8z7mEnK5XkktieyGi4HbZf | 198 | 2 |
Transfer to investor 261 wallet GA4GKrdgRYGWXqnk3rPFvHE9efu1mb | 261 | 1 |
Transfer to investor 198 wallet GA42yntE8z7mEnK5XkktieyGi4HbZf | 198 | 1 |
Transfer to investor 263 wallet GAptNMmFbrwycM5b1LYTh3zqg1hR5 | 263 | 3 |
Transfer to investor 261 wallet GA4GKrdgRYGWXqnk3rPFvHE9efu1mb | 261 | 1 |
Transfer to investor 264 wallet GA2M6SymAhPSvyD3gY4o3uZPMiT4Ue | 264 | 5 |
Transfer to investor 89 wallet GA3XZFix8C75pi1TCEBTa2tABzYKta | 89 | 999745 |
Transfer to investor 265 wallet GAVtaSsX4ZWLuHjGa4Q55o3KSmRHC | 265 | 5 |
Transfer to investor 89 wallet GA3XZFix8C75pi1TCEBTa2tABzYKta | 89 | 999740 |
Transfer to investor 267 wallet GA2vR6zVpCCxJRofx9QbJepceYz8en | 267 | 1 |
Transfer to investor 264 wallet GA2M6SymAhPSvyD3gY4o3uZPMiT4Ue | 264 | 4 |
Transfer to investor 268 wallet GA44e4mreYBE1S7X3NXSRgtTfSMbEL | 268 | 5 |
Transfer to investor 89 wallet GA3XZFix8C75pi1TCEBTa2tABzYKta | 89 | 999735 |
Transfer to investor 269 wallet GAdZyq6AJskBpeJxkuiE7uAAdga2t | 269 | 1 |
Transfer to investor 268 wallet GA44e4mreYBE1S7X3NXSRgtTfSMbEL | 268 | 4 |
Transfer to investor 270 wallet GA2sHTgYEHEC6hYRdtD9hSba9hmx41 | 270 | 5 |
Transfer to investor 89 wallet GA3XZFix8C75pi1TCEBTa2tABzYKta | 89 | 999730 |
Transfer to investor 198 wallet GA42yntE8z7mEnK5XkktieyGi4HbZf | 198 | 1 |
Transfer to investor 270 wallet GA2sHTgYEHEC6hYRdtD9hSba9hmx41 | 270 | 4 |
Transfer to investor 270 wallet GA2sHTgYEHEC6hYRdtD9hSba9hmx41 | 270 | 1 |
Transfer to investor 270 wallet GA2sHTgYEHEC6hYRdtD9hSba9hmx41 | 270 | 1 |
Transfer to investor 198 wallet GA42yntE8z7mEnK5XkktieyGi4HbZf | 198 | 2 |
Transfer to investor 270 wallet GA2sHTgYEHEC6hYRdtD9hSba9hmx41 | 270 | 2 |
Transfer to investor 235 wallet GA9cKH71BkfHbDUHedtToqWjmpWwK | 235 | 1 |
Transfer to investor 234 wallet GA4YprGB8fFyn31PHJUZeDWFCZpHW1 | 234 | 2 |
Transfer to investor 274 wallet GA3PFXAAN6PpHN8rBgZapwu8xaj98N | 274 | 5 |
Transfer to investor 89 wallet GA3XZFix8C75pi1TCEBTa2tABzYKta | 89 | 999725 |
Transfer to investor 276 wallet GA4W5LBBwaExRq8sK2ejYUBqB7YReu | 276 | 5 |
Transfer to investor 89 wallet GA3XZFix8C75pi1TCEBTa2tABzYKta | 89 | 999720 |
Transfer to investor 277 wallet GA3yzQSkpVmYNm5BGhu2PBF79fjfQr | 277 | 5 |
Transfer to investor 89 wallet GA3XZFix8C75pi1TCEBTa2tABzYKta | 89 | 999715 |
Transfer to investor 278 wallet GA4KWdTRM4WDAJZ2DULN38jDPtB3bN | 278 | 5 |
Transfer to investor 89 wallet GA3XZFix8C75pi1TCEBTa2tABzYKta | 89 | 999710 |
Transfer to investor 279 wallet GA3eaZiLmAPRJFCd4v88xB9fC7Zypm | 279 | 1 |
Transfer to investor 280 wallet GAuodcjemoQUTVaCnpYAn6DFPbUDb | 280 | 5 |
Transfer to investor 89 wallet GA3XZFix8C75pi1TCEBTa2tABzYKta | 89 | 999705 |
Transfer to investor 282 wallet GA3A2d2Wr7bfufewAZqBY5oLPY3Ex1 | 282 | 5 |
Transfer to investor 89 wallet GA3XZFix8C75pi1TCEBTa2tABzYKta | 89 | 999700 |
Transfer to investor 279 wallet GA3eaZiLmAPRJFCd4v88xB9fC7Zypm | 279 | 5 |
Transfer to investor 89 wallet GA3XZFix8C75pi1TCEBTa2tABzYKta | 89 | 999695 |
Transfer to investor 285 wallet GA46hyZaMCUC1ocKCQrnbVwJx3fN83 | 285 | 1 |
Transfer to investor 286 wallet GA31rNdHQkwC6zeq9Hv5Aujim7aZQk | 286 | 5 |
Transfer to investor 89 wallet GA3XZFix8C75pi1TCEBTa2tABzYKta | 89 | 999690 |
Transfer to investor 203 wallet GA2oxp4Yt7sheQaaSmDtjs61XW1S6k | 203 | 1 |
Transfer to investor 286 wallet GA31rNdHQkwC6zeq9Hv5Aujim7aZQk | 286 | 4 |
Transfer to investor 231 wallet GA2k4avehuqMsHXMaKWY2woYDhvnxe | 231 | 5 |
Transfer to investor 287 wallet GAxEBSf2nzmQzZR1KjxboiJRNJt2C | 287 | 5 |
Transfer to investor 89 wallet GA3XZFix8C75pi1TCEBTa2tABzYKta | 89 | 999685 |
Transfer to investor 288 wallet GA4G123iEez1SNhkKGtiasTHRSXHAs | 288 | 2 |
Transfer to investor 287 wallet GAxEBSf2nzmQzZR1KjxboiJRNJt2C | 287 | 3 |
Transfer to investor 288 wallet GA4G123iEez1SNhkKGtiasTHRSXHAs | 288 | 5 |
Transfer to investor 89 wallet GA3XZFix8C75pi1TCEBTa2tABzYKta | 89 | 999680 |
Transfer to investor 289 wallet GA4BvSYRMso6cRF3LpJfUXTCP9PpdL | 289 | 5 |
Transfer to investor 89 wallet GA3XZFix8C75pi1TCEBTa2tABzYKta | 89 | 999675 |
Transfer to investor 279 wallet GA3eaZiLmAPRJFCd4v88xB9fC7Zypm | 279 | 5 |
Transfer to investor 290 wallet GA2yHf3CS3FWes1itZw7dbjbw6RZwi | 290 | 5 |
Transfer to investor 89 wallet GA3XZFix8C75pi1TCEBTa2tABzYKta | 89 | 999670 |
Transfer to investor 291 wallet GAeyQaSr4XYoLXSthaGgeCjC6Xgon | 291 | 5 |
Transfer to investor 89 wallet GA3XZFix8C75pi1TCEBTa2tABzYKta | 89 | 999665 |
Transfer to investor 292 wallet GAd3TDErda5HSxn6kEwiz2mhWkYjF | 292 | 5 |
Transfer to investor 89 wallet GA3XZFix8C75pi1TCEBTa2tABzYKta | 89 | 999660 |
Transfer to investor 290 wallet GA2yHf3CS3FWes1itZw7dbjbw6RZwi | 290 | 5 |
Transfer to investor 284 wallet GAun6ocrVtEHgijVrAaHSPnYziKw | 284 | 5 |
Transfer to investor 89 wallet GA3XZFix8C75pi1TCEBTa2tABzYKta | 89 | 999655 |
Transfer to investor 288 wallet GA4G123iEez1SNhkKGtiasTHRSXHAs | 288 | 3 |
Transfer to investor 293 wallet GA27oePH5j1fxjG3RtB1zi2BT2rmmM | 293 | 5 |
Transfer to investor 89 wallet GA3XZFix8C75pi1TCEBTa2tABzYKta | 89 | 999650 |
Transfer to investor 294 wallet GA2Fok51VaoCFdPK7mm7cXSz2MFLt6 | 294 | 2 |
Transfer to investor 279 wallet GA3eaZiLmAPRJFCd4v88xB9fC7Zypm | 279 | 3 |
Transfer to investor 259 wallet GA4La868qru9gBNA9s2W7e5baYnkj2 | 259 | 3 |
Transfer to investor 231 wallet GA2k4avehuqMsHXMaKWY2woYDhvnxe | 231 | 3 |
Transfer to investor 259 wallet GA4La868qru9gBNA9s2W7e5baYnkj2 | 259 | 1 |
Transfer to investor 234 wallet GA4YprGB8fFyn31PHJUZeDWFCZpHW1 | 234 | 1 |
Transfer to investor 296 wallet GA3FYds8WCyT79UwjFEYgszdZV2Bg7 | 296 | 5 |
Transfer to investor 89 wallet GA3XZFix8C75pi1TCEBTa2tABzYKta | 89 | 999645 |
Transfer to investor 297 wallet GA4Y2SyUtDw5FzRqXNxE4o24X3NWuv | 297 | 5 |
Transfer to investor 89 wallet GA3XZFix8C75pi1TCEBTa2tABzYKta | 89 | 999640 |
Transfer to investor 299 wallet GA3VMUozEta7hTsGGnZeeWRGYvCoFu | 299 | 5 |
Transfer to investor 89 wallet GA3XZFix8C75pi1TCEBTa2tABzYKta | 89 | 999635 |
Transfer to investor 302 wallet GA27mUCgKVJCsUHs4TA55kj4GBo3HG | 302 | 5 |
Transfer to investor 89 wallet GA3XZFix8C75pi1TCEBTa2tABzYKta | 89 | 999630 |
Transfer to investor 239 wallet GA3ETYDemnqQEwN5wk8B1HB2edwudN | 239 | 5 |
Transfer to investor 304 wallet GA3oi49nYNYWBik1jrV5km2zq1u9ZM | 304 | 5 |
Transfer to investor 89 wallet GA3XZFix8C75pi1TCEBTa2tABzYKta | 89 | 999625 |
Transfer to investor 305 wallet GA2pGd7y22XfGdj3LSGcUSeWWTjCe8 | 305 | 5 |
Transfer to investor 89 wallet GA3XZFix8C75pi1TCEBTa2tABzYKta | 89 | 999620 |
Transfer to investor 259 wallet GA4La868qru9gBNA9s2W7e5baYnkj2 | 259 | 1 |
Transfer to investor 279 wallet GA3eaZiLmAPRJFCd4v88xB9fC7Zypm | 279 | 2 |
Transfer to investor 307 wallet GA4EbqQUBChv9eUzH8AbGkCe8dJnSb | 307 | 5 |
Transfer to investor 89 wallet GA3XZFix8C75pi1TCEBTa2tABzYKta | 89 | 999615 |
Transfer to investor 307 wallet GA4EbqQUBChv9eUzH8AbGkCe8dJnSb | 307 | 5 |
Transfer to investor 89 wallet GA3XZFix8C75pi1TCEBTa2tABzYKta | 89 | 999610 |
Transfer to investor 308 wallet GA2qrMdn5sTnCnPrG8VqAQP6e61CfS | 308 | 5 |
Transfer to investor 89 wallet GA3XZFix8C75pi1TCEBTa2tABzYKta | 89 | 999605 |
Transfer to investor 309 wallet GA2BPKAM8Hfzac7PDyr6xsTCyDqmRU | 309 | 5 |
Transfer to investor 89 wallet GA3XZFix8C75pi1TCEBTa2tABzYKta | 89 | 999600 |
Transfer to investor 310 wallet GA437HFvMUSLaMGmmQJoDStc1i6t1u | 310 | 5 |
Transfer to investor 89 wallet GA3XZFix8C75pi1TCEBTa2tABzYKta | 89 | 999595 |
Transfer to investor 311 wallet GA22gMjoGLvFWir4TJ9cVvUGQqh1TJ | 311 | 5 |
Transfer to investor 89 wallet GA3XZFix8C75pi1TCEBTa2tABzYKta | 89 | 999590 |
Transfer to investor 313 wallet GAFvMJBvvrsj2tohC3fEZSLiHyKKj | 313 | 5 |
Transfer to investor 89 wallet GA3XZFix8C75pi1TCEBTa2tABzYKta | 89 | 999585 |
Transfer to investor 310 wallet GA437HFvMUSLaMGmmQJoDStc1i6t1u | 310 | 2 |
Transfer to investor 310 wallet GA437HFvMUSLaMGmmQJoDStc1i6t1u | 310 | 3 |
Transfer to investor 314 wallet GA3w8Cj5FQH7PUrLXH6PQiQDqHEkAZ | 314 | 5 |
Transfer to investor 89 wallet GA3XZFix8C75pi1TCEBTa2tABzYKta | 89 | 999580 |
Transfer to investor 315 wallet GA4VwRrmWHj9cJfHVhvtAosfczNTWS | 315 | 5 |
Transfer to investor 89 wallet GA3XZFix8C75pi1TCEBTa2tABzYKta | 89 | 999575 |
Transfer to investor 316 wallet GAYrzFqqeXke2z99GpJAQCHirZ7LM | 316 | 5 |
Transfer to investor 89 wallet GA3XZFix8C75pi1TCEBTa2tABzYKta | 89 | 999570 |
Transfer to investor 317 wallet GA34Ph2yCCo73q63NSPfJyJpEhFrpc | 317 | 5 |
Transfer to investor 89 wallet GA3XZFix8C75pi1TCEBTa2tABzYKta | 89 | 999565 |
Transfer to investor 318 wallet GA2FKewYy92ejrkDtdN2qr519SSHdx | 318 | 5 |
Transfer to investor 89 wallet GA3XZFix8C75pi1TCEBTa2tABzYKta | 89 | 999560 |
Transfer to investor 320 wallet GAyj8YkJa9vLRCoSNnaenwjXuUYpN | 320 | 5 |
Transfer to investor 89 wallet GA3XZFix8C75pi1TCEBTa2tABzYKta | 89 | 999555 |
Transfer to investor 321 wallet GA2R1D4WJUu47soAf2ufpAgLzE6rM5 | 321 | 5 |
Transfer to investor 89 wallet GA3XZFix8C75pi1TCEBTa2tABzYKta | 89 | 999550 |
Transfer to investor 322 wallet GAJxiHCS9VxgY5sSyyaZoZ7QZnDZa | 322 | 5 |
Transfer to investor 89 wallet GA3XZFix8C75pi1TCEBTa2tABzYKta | 89 | 999545 |
Transfer to investor 323 wallet GAj7nJ3jGagCWtiHLAXr3NDtZMctj | 323 | 5 |
Transfer to investor 89 wallet GA3XZFix8C75pi1TCEBTa2tABzYKta | 89 | 999540 |
Transfer to investor 324 wallet GA2x593KCXfutBDQ12z8t1senVZuUQ | 324 | 5 |
Transfer to investor 89 wallet GA3XZFix8C75pi1TCEBTa2tABzYKta | 89 | 999535 |
Transfer to investor 326 wallet GAtL3hathaqYSzmjzh3k7gJCKBbpE | 326 | 5 |
Transfer to investor 89 wallet GA3XZFix8C75pi1TCEBTa2tABzYKta | 89 | 999530 |
Transfer to investor 327 wallet GATrzSGqTJocLxTpAMAHXVtPQvPe4 | 327 | 5 |
Transfer to investor 89 wallet GA3XZFix8C75pi1TCEBTa2tABzYKta | 89 | 999525 |
Transfer to investor 328 wallet GAau2QLyPrE2nDouZ45bzZXcr5aPM | 328 | 5 |
Transfer to investor 89 wallet GA3XZFix8C75pi1TCEBTa2tABzYKta | 89 | 999520 |
Transfer to investor 322 wallet GAJxiHCS9VxgY5sSyyaZoZ7QZnDZa | 322 | 5 |
Transfer to investor 89 wallet GA3XZFix8C75pi1TCEBTa2tABzYKta | 89 | 999515 |
Transfer to investor 334 wallet GA3TjTJvA2Cba3F4RneSWuLENk6ASo | 334 | 5 |
Transfer to investor 89 wallet GA3XZFix8C75pi1TCEBTa2tABzYKta | 89 | 999510 |
Transfer to investor 336 wallet GA23Hrx4UQAPAVHGKdAXGRLp35zmio | 336 | 5 |
Transfer to investor 89 wallet GA3XZFix8C75pi1TCEBTa2tABzYKta | 89 | 999505 |
Transfer to investor 338 wallet GA2PmqU62r952dMf5S2naj8Q6UFR4W | 338 | 5 |
Transfer to investor 89 wallet GA3XZFix8C75pi1TCEBTa2tABzYKta | 89 | 999500 |
Transfer to investor 339 wallet GA2WziwFZihwcRPQfsvjmYTGgcqHS2 | 339 | 4 |
Transfer to investor 340 wallet GA2Md7yfS1ZvTnWLL7JMdqgE6FSy9V | 340 | 5 |
Transfer to investor 89 wallet GA3XZFix8C75pi1TCEBTa2tABzYKta | 89 | 999495 |
Transfer to investor 342 wallet GA2EHgpBzEonoUAgXGrRXWZE8v3WVE | 342 | 5 |
Transfer to investor 89 wallet GA3XZFix8C75pi1TCEBTa2tABzYKta | 89 | 999490 |
Transfer to investor 344 wallet GA4DX4v1QYrNcrQXMJcprKiBmQmPSg | 344 | 5 |
Transfer to investor 89 wallet GA3XZFix8C75pi1TCEBTa2tABzYKta | 89 | 999485 |
Transfer to investor 1265 wallet GA49Eb19UrB9BKoXg39fJdvuNpYF4q | 1265 | 5 |
Transfer to investor 89 wallet GA3XZFix8C75pi1TCEBTa2tABzYKta | 89 | 999480 |
Transfer to investor 1269 wallet GAtGhRgznW1Jg7fSWMkUWKnFuou2E | 1269 | 5 |
Transfer to investor 89 wallet GA3XZFix8C75pi1TCEBTa2tABzYKta | 89 | 999475 |
Transfer to investor 310 wallet GA437HFvMUSLaMGmmQJoDStc1i6t1u | 310 | 2 |
Transfer to investor 1269 wallet GAtGhRgznW1Jg7fSWMkUWKnFuou2E | 1269 | 3 |
Transfer to investor 1270 wallet GA2SSRq7ofJuwwMc4nX91WBHLazidK | 1270 | 5 |
Transfer to investor 89 wallet GA3XZFix8C75pi1TCEBTa2tABzYKta | 89 | 999470 |
Transfer to investor 1270 wallet GA2SSRq7ofJuwwMc4nX91WBHLazidK | 1270 | 5 |
Transfer to investor 89 wallet GA3XZFix8C75pi1TCEBTa2tABzYKta | 89 | 999465 |
Transfer to investor 1270 wallet GA2SSRq7ofJuwwMc4nX91WBHLazidK | 1270 | 5 |
Transfer to investor 89 wallet GA3XZFix8C75pi1TCEBTa2tABzYKta | 89 | 999460 |
Transfer to investor 1280 wallet GA4Dc2KYS7gogBfRhZfLKoaAqGnCW9 | 1280 | 5 |
Transfer to investor 89 wallet GA3XZFix8C75pi1TCEBTa2tABzYKta | 89 | 999455 |
Transfer to investor 2425 wallet GA2EEzyfT5s7a9ZDb9pDPKp6ZkwGos | 2425 | 5 |
Transfer to investor 89 wallet GA3XZFix8C75pi1TCEBTa2tABzYKta | 89 | 999450 |
Transfer to investor 2426 wallet GA39wVz1fa6Mz546NY4mkHvS7ZhDdJ | 2426 | 5 |
Transfer to investor 89 wallet GA3XZFix8C75pi1TCEBTa2tABzYKta | 89 | 999445 |
Transfer to investor 1265 wallet GA49Eb19UrB9BKoXg39fJdvuNpYF4q | 1265 | 1 |
Transfer to investor 1265 wallet GA49Eb19UrB9BKoXg39fJdvuNpYF4q | 1265 | 4 |
Transfer to investor 2427 wallet GA2gYCwMeoWNWsS8Sp7BcFaf7Aew3h | 2427 | 5 |
Transfer to investor 89 wallet GA3XZFix8C75pi1TCEBTa2tABzYKta | 89 | 999440 |
Transfer to investor 2433 wallet GA3Khom1ewWrPVvyzsgr1vA6hEauPo | 2433 | 5 |
Transfer to investor 89 wallet GA3XZFix8C75pi1TCEBTa2tABzYKta | 89 | 999435 |
Transfer to investor 1265 wallet GA49Eb19UrB9BKoXg39fJdvuNpYF4q | 1265 | 1 |
Transfer to investor 2433 wallet GA3Khom1ewWrPVvyzsgr1vA6hEauPo | 2433 | 4 |
Transfer to investor 1265 wallet GA49Eb19UrB9BKoXg39fJdvuNpYF4q | 1265 | 1 |
Transfer to investor 2433 wallet GA3Khom1ewWrPVvyzsgr1vA6hEauPo | 2433 | 3 |
Transfer to investor 2434 wallet GA2DSiRBhruyBnUtHes2JXyGi81R9r | 2434 | 5 |
Transfer to investor 89 wallet GA3XZFix8C75pi1TCEBTa2tABzYKta | 89 | 999430 |
Transfer to investor 2436 wallet GA36HLwfUwts1H11RV65K1BM6rV87v | 2436 | 5 |
Transfer to investor 89 wallet GA3XZFix8C75pi1TCEBTa2tABzYKta | 89 | 999425 |
Transfer to investor 2438 wallet GA3RhyXtv5BcVJvKN3xyxmbZset2Yt | 2438 | 5 |
Transfer to investor 89 wallet GA3XZFix8C75pi1TCEBTa2tABzYKta | 89 | 999420 |
Transfer to investor 2441 wallet GAnZMLnAbwX7tD1ezQFee3H12Yifr | 2441 | 5 |
Transfer to investor 89 wallet GA3XZFix8C75pi1TCEBTa2tABzYKta | 89 | 999415 |
Transfer to investor 2442 wallet GA31F6fnhxe6WLNDUPSNwM3extcvjY | 2442 | 5 |
Transfer to investor 89 wallet GA3XZFix8C75pi1TCEBTa2tABzYKta | 89 | 999410 |
Transfer to investor 2445 wallet GA3kB6FvuEmzBF1Emn2PR2yqypTvWN | 2445 | 5 |
Transfer to investor 89 wallet GA3XZFix8C75pi1TCEBTa2tABzYKta | 89 | 999405 |
Transfer to investor 310 wallet GA437HFvMUSLaMGmmQJoDStc1i6t1u | 310 | 3 |
Transfer to investor 2445 wallet GA3kB6FvuEmzBF1Emn2PR2yqypTvWN | 2445 | 2 |
Transfer to investor 2446 wallet GA4Jz6BWkA8dFNh5gWeCd26UjNRK6L | 2446 | 5 |
Transfer to investor 89 wallet GA3XZFix8C75pi1TCEBTa2tABzYKta | 89 | 999400 |
Transfer to investor 2446 wallet GA4Jz6BWkA8dFNh5gWeCd26UjNRK6L | 2446 | 5 |
Transfer to investor 89 wallet GA3XZFix8C75pi1TCEBTa2tABzYKta | 89 | 999395 |
Transfer to investor 2447 wallet GA2JdpdScKNRXxxzMXDYHaKBYCSuNa | 2447 | 5 |
Transfer to investor 89 wallet GA3XZFix8C75pi1TCEBTa2tABzYKta | 89 | 999390 |
Transfer to investor 2448 wallet GAR7MWeUsBPpuUyqiZh7EfN8pE2pa | 2448 | 5 |
Transfer to investor 89 wallet GA3XZFix8C75pi1TCEBTa2tABzYKta | 89 | 999385 |
Transfer to investor 2449 wallet GA2Ycb94Jea5GxNxXjquUgt7eM7ytq | 2449 | 1 |
Transfer to investor 2448 wallet GAR7MWeUsBPpuUyqiZh7EfN8pE2pa | 2448 | 4 |
Transfer to investor 2455 wallet GA4M868vHdF5jBHM77i2En1AiHfgrQ | 2455 | 1 |
Transfer to investor 285 wallet GA46hyZaMCUC1ocKCQrnbVwJx3fN83 | 285 | 1 |
Transfer to investor 2470 wallet GAhR6Cir5htoivkZvuonunrjZbL4e | 2470 | 1 |
Transfer to investor 2472 wallet GA3kaojgg9xcPVAGkKcKRWPZbSNHCf | 2472 | 5 |
Transfer to investor 89 wallet GA3XZFix8C75pi1TCEBTa2tABzYKta | 89 | 999380 |
Transfer to investor 2473 wallet GA2Hj8aHknkSY5oujtsorLx5Bn7xb1 | 2473 | 5 |
Transfer to investor 89 wallet GA3XZFix8C75pi1TCEBTa2tABzYKta | 89 | 999375 |
Transfer to investor 2473 wallet GA2Hj8aHknkSY5oujtsorLx5Bn7xb1 | 2473 | 5 |
Transfer to investor 89 wallet GA3XZFix8C75pi1TCEBTa2tABzYKta | 89 | 999370 |
Transfer to investor 2473 wallet GA2Hj8aHknkSY5oujtsorLx5Bn7xb1 | 2473 | 5 |
Transfer to investor 89 wallet GA3XZFix8C75pi1TCEBTa2tABzYKta | 89 | 999365 |
Transfer to investor 2473 wallet GA2Hj8aHknkSY5oujtsorLx5Bn7xb1 | 2473 | 5 |
Transfer to investor 89 wallet GA3XZFix8C75pi1TCEBTa2tABzYKta | 89 | 999360 |
Transfer to investor 2473 wallet GA2Hj8aHknkSY5oujtsorLx5Bn7xb1 | 2473 | 5 |
Transfer to investor 89 wallet GA3XZFix8C75pi1TCEBTa2tABzYKta | 89 | 999355 |
Transfer to investor 2475 wallet GA2yncQiQbGGQ4fZ8pPVj76AS5LYDV | 2475 | 5 |
Transfer to investor 89 wallet GA3XZFix8C75pi1TCEBTa2tABzYKta | 89 | 999350 |
Transfer to investor 2477 wallet GAL3HcUguk2HjX5kZdvFEsHqx2itH | 2477 | 5 |
Transfer to investor 89 wallet GA3XZFix8C75pi1TCEBTa2tABzYKta | 89 | 999345 |